News and Hints from the JACOBI SHOP
2023/08/30 IR100UD vs. IR120UD
ACT-IR120UD/100UD/-v2 is a very old model, EOL (End Of Life); the supplier of the IC used inside closed doors long ago, and it is no longer supported and available. The new recommended model is ACT-IR100UD-v3 (available from our online shop), which replaces ACT-IR120UD and ACT-IR100UD/-v2 respectively. It has a new design that includes a more advanced and expensive new microcontroller and infrared transceiver module inside that is faster than the older ACT-IR1x0UD series.
2023/08/04 ACTiSYS testing new microcontroller for ACT-IR224UN-x
The RawIR adapter for the USB interface, ACT-IR224UN-LN115-LE (and its variants), is currently undergoing testing with a new microcontroller. The chip used for this purpose is the PL2303GC (Prolific Smart-IO USB to UART/Serial/Printer).
As a result, the following improvements are being introduced compared to the old design:
- Memory doubled, enabling faster data transfer (New: 1024 Bytes, Old: 512 Bytes).
- Supports twice the clock speed (New: 1 to 12 Mbps, Old: 75 to 6 Mbps).
- The previous compatibility with Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux is extended to include Android.
We do have the IR224UN-GC with the PL2303GC chip available in stock for testing purposes. Please feel free to send us an email at sales@jacobi.de for more information or order your test adapter online.
023/07/01 ACTiSYS Adapter and Windows 10 and newer
Important update regarding the upcoming EOL (End of Life) for the models IR2002UL and IR4002US:
Only a few dozen adapters of the models IR2002UL (regular size) and IR4002US (finger-sized) are still available in stock. The adapters ACT-IR2002UL and ACT-IR4002US have reached "End of Life." Please check the compatibility of the new models IR2012UL (regular size) and IR4021U-v1.3 in your specific setup in a timely manner. Both adapters are available from our stock.
We recommend purchasing the ACT-IR2012UL (or IR4021U for fingersized version), a USB-IrDA adapter that is compatible with Windows 10 and 11, both 32- and 64-bit operating systems. It has Plug-and-Play support for Windows Native drivers up to the Windows 7 operating system. In case some customized Windows versions do not automatically install the driver, you can download and manually install it from the updated TSPack driver for Windows 1x OS. The technical support team at ACTiSYS provides assistance with solutions for Windows 10 and 11 operating systems, as well as the updated TSPack driver. End-users can manually install compatible drivers if Windows does not do it automatically. It only takes 3~5 minutes and a few clicks to locate and download the driver ".inf" file. Our technical support specialists also assist customers remotely who encounter compatibility issues with Windows 8.1, 10, and 11 operating systems when using the new ACT-IR2012UL version.
For technical specifications and more information please download the ACT-IR2012UL datasheet.
Advantages of the new adapter generation:
- ACT-IR2012UL and ACT-IR4021U support bidirectional communication; they can download data from medical IR devices (e.g., AED-Automated External Defibrillator) to the PC, as well as upload and configure data from PC to medical IR devices.
- ACT-IR2002UL and ACT-IR4002US only support one-way communication and can download data from medical IR devices (e.g., Physio-Control AEDs) to the PC but are not able to upload or configure data from PC to medical IR devices.
- Many customers have observed that the throughput speed of certain applications (e.g., Physio-Control AEDs) using ACT-IR2012UL and ACT-IR4021U is 5~7 times faster than with ACT-IR2002UL/IR4002US.
ACT-IR4000US and ACT-IR4010U are old models, EOL (End Of Life); the supplier of the IC used inside closed doors long ago, and it is no longer supported and available. The new recommended model is ACT-IR4021U, which replaces ACT-IR400#US and ACT-IR4010U respectively. It has a new design that includes a more advanced and expensive new microcontroller and infrared transceiver module.
2020/06/01 ACTiSYS IR2002UL and Windows 10
If you were able to operate ACT-IR2002UL so far without any issues and now after an update to Windows 10 or after updating an existing windows 10 you can't make the adapter work anymore, you might have encountered a known driver issue. ACTiSYS has communicated two options to solve it: 1. Test the workaround described below or 2. buy a new adapter ACTiSYS ACT-IR2002UL. From serial number 2UL 043500 onward a new chip design is being used which eliminates the driver problem with Windows 10. The IR200UL adapters from our stock are all recent models and will not create the issue described.
2019/12/10 Windows 10 Updates v1903 and 1909
Some users have reported problems with the ACTiSYS infrared adapters IR2002UL and IR4002US after updating to the latest Windows version. We describe here 2 workarounds. Please note that applying these is at yor own risk. Please make sure that you have a restorable backup of your Windows system.
Workaround #1
- Start PowerShell as Administrator
- Request the status of the IrDA components:
get-WindowsCapability -online -Name "Network.Irda~~~~"
- Deinstall the IrDA components:
Remove-WindowsCapability -online -Name "Network.Irda~~~~"
- Reinstall the IrDA components:
add-WindowsCapability -online -Name "Network.Irda~~~~"
- Request the status of the IrDA components:
get-WindowsCapability -online -Name "Network.Irda~~~~"
Some examples of what output Windows generates when the workaround is being applied:
Computer C:\WINDOWS\system32> get-WindowsCapability -online -Name "Network.Irda~~~~"
Name : Network.Irda~~~~
State : NotPresent
DisplayName : IrDA infrared
Description : Support for IrDA devices. Requires special IrDA hardware.
DownloadSize : 604101
InstallSize : 1236233
Computer C:\WINDOWS\system32>
Also the following:
Computer C:\WINDOWS\system32> Remove-WindowsCapability -online -Name "Network.Irda~~~~"
Path :
Online : True
RestartNeeded : False
Computer C:\WINDOWS\system32> add-WindowsCapability -online -Name "Network.Irda~~~~"
Path :
Online : True
RestartNeeded : False
Computer C:\WINDOWS\system32> get-WindowsCapability -online -Name "Network.Irda~~~~"
Name : Network.Irda~~~~
State : Installed
DisplayName : IrDA infrared
Description : Support for IrDA devices. Requires special IrDA hardware.
DownloadSize : 604101
2016/11/10: ACTiSYS Infrarotadapter nach aktuellen EMC/CE-Standards zertifiziert
ACTiSYS has successfully renewed the CE certification for the USB infrared adapters IR2002UL, IR200xUL, IR4002US and IR400xUS. Thus conformity with EMC Directive 2014/30/EU has been confirmed again. The following tests have been passed:
- EN 55032:2015 and CISPR 32:2015
- AS/NZS CISPR 32:2015
- EN 61000-3-2:2014 and IEC 61000-3-2:2014
- EN 61000-3-3:2014 and IEC 61000-3-3:2014
- EN 55024:2010+A1:2015 and CISPR 24:2010+A1:2015
- EN 61000-4-2: 2009 and IEC 61000-4-2: 2008
- EN 61000-4-3: 2006+A1: 2008+A2: 2010
- IEC 61000-4-3:2006+A1: 2007+A2: 2010
- EN 61000-4-4: 2012 and IEC 61000-4-4:2012
- EN 61000-4-5: 2014 and IEC 61000-4-5:2014
- EN 61000-4-6:2014+AC:2015 and IEC 61000-4-6:2013
- EN 61000-4-8: 2010 and IEC 61000-4-8: 2009
- EN 61000-4-11: 2004 and IEC 61000-4-11: 2004
2016/07/28: Installation Guides for ACTiSYS Infrared and Bluetooth Adapters
You can watch detailed installation guides for some of the ACTiSYS Infrared IrDA and Bluetooth devices. Please visit the YouTube Video Channel of ACTiSYS Inc. You will find installation procedures for IR2002UL or WF571xU and the operating systems Windows 7, 8 and Windows 10. The video guides are available in English.
2016/06/24: Solution for missing IrDA driver in Windows 10
Microsoft left out the IrDA stack in its final version of Windows 10. Several news sources reported it last year, also at heise.de (German language). Now we are happy to announce a workaround solution for our ACT-IRx002Ux (that includes IR2002UL, IR4002UL and the IR4020/IR4021 series), to enable IrDA under Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10 - both in 32bit and in 64bit versions.
To use ACT-IR2002UL and ACT-IR4002UL under Windows 10 the cumulative update version 1511 needs to be installed in Windows 10. After that you need to use some commands to enable the IrDA protocol and start the IrDA service. If you would like to know all steps to enable IrDA under Windows 10, please send us an E-Mail with your request.
Known limitations: This solution works for many users very reliably, but there are some reports that data transfer works only in one direction - e.g. download from a medical device is OK, but upload from PC to medical device fail. Furthermore it is reported that the data transfer rate in Windows 10 is 7x less than in earlier Windows versions 7, 8 and 8.1.
For customers where Windows 10 IrDA driver support does not work reliably, we suggest the use of the ACTiSYS infrared adapter ACT-IR100UDv3, which is a programmable, intelligent USB IrDA Adapter.
2016/03/19: ACTiSYS has changed all pricing levels
The manufacturer of Infrared devices, ACTiSYS Corp., has changed prices for all products. Prices are now significantly higher. We try to compensate by buying larger volumes, but you will still see a significant change. Please contact us via email to get your individual quote!
2015/01/25: Sending Email with a Kyocera M6526cidn
Der neue Kyocera Multifunktionsdrucker war schon soweit eingerichtet, dass er eingescannte Dokumente zuverlässig auf dem Fileserver sicherte. Nun sollte er aber eingescannte Dokumente per E-Mail versenden können. Etwas aufwendiger, als gedacht, aber es geht doch:
Erstes Problem, und das dürfte ein Kyocera Problem sein: Der Hostname wird von einem Mailserver mit aktiven Spamschutzmaßnahmen nicht akzeptiert. Der Fehler sah wie folgt aus:
The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by the server. The rejected email address was "recipient@example.com" is subject "example", account: "mail.example.com" , server "mail.example.com", protocol: SMTP, server response: "504 5.5.2 < hostname > : Helo command rejected: need fully qualified host name", port: 25, secure (SSL): no, server error: 504, error number: 0x800CCC79.
Zu "need fully qualified host name" lies sich glücklichweise schnell diese Anleitung bei Apple selbst finden: HT203319. Die Anleitung sagt:
Für OS X Server:
- Finde in dem Pfad /Library/Server/Mail/Config/postfix/main.cf die Einstellung "smtpd_helo_restrictions"
- Entferne "reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname" aus der Konfiguration
- Restarte den Maildienst.
Damit war der wesentliche Fehler beseitigt, aber Mail ging immer noch nicht durch, denn jetzt kam als Fehler "empty subject header". Dieser Fehler lässt sich durch eine Konfigurationseinstellung im Kyocera berichtigen: Im Menp "Funktionseinstellungen" srollt man nach unten und findet den Eintrag "E-Mail-Vorlage:" und "Betreff". Hier trägt man was sinnvolles ein, z.B. "E-Mail vom Kyocera Drucker im Büro", und schon ist auch dieser Stolperstein für den Mailversand aus dem Weg geräumt.